On September 24, 2022 join the team of #Bullybox, Kenneth Cochran (CEO/President of Opelousas General Health Systems), Attorney Pride Doran (Doran and Cawthorne Law Firm), Royale Colbert (15th JDC Judge), Graig Leblanc (Detective Lieutenant SLP Sheriff Office), Shaun "Uncle Luck" Bernard, Ladane The Host, DJ Dolby Devious and many others as we have a community wide conversation about how bad bullying is and how it is directly linked to suicide and WHAT WE NEED TO DO to protect our children and build them up. Presentations, activities, trainings and education will make it a fun-filled but educational Saturday for both adults and children. Stay tuned for more information. #bullying #bullyingprevention #suicideprevention #bullybox #Traeh #Bullyinghurts #bullyingkills
